Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Apr 7th, 2022

Apr 07, 2022 Apr 06, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear Future Me, Happy birthday, love, you made it to yet another year! Congratulations baby. your fricken 18 a whole *** adult. God****. That's just crazy to me. Moving on, I hope you are okay on this difficult day. I hope that this year is different, and there's nothing I can do but hope. I hope that mom gave up on trying to ignore your special day, I hope your family acknowledged that it's your birthday and actually wished you it, but if they didn't I know dang well Tahani and Ohla didn't disappoint. they are the best. They make this world worth living in and quite bearable. I know that you are fighting those years like you do every year but I hope you know that it's not worth all that, these material things are not going to help you in the future it only makes you more vulnerable and makes your day a bit less special, so on this special day, let go. let go of the past and live in the now because now I'm history and I think it is better if I stay this way because it only makes you sadder when you think of the past. what happened in the past stays in the past baby. I just know you can do great things, and you will get where you need to get just be patient and make lots of prayers and it will all be worth it in the end. I hope you know how much you mean to me baby girl, you shine in this dim world even when you are dying inside. keep your light. Your light is what separates you from the rest. I love you and I'm forever proud of you. Love, you from the past :)


about 1 year later

Hello past me, this is not what you were expecting I’m sure of it, but here i am writing to you again at 1 am because i have some things...

Nawan teg wya uto het of i. 19 nwo eury’o. Uoy tsl’e tardbihy kwno ot you adn teg a smhhiont tsrut lleyar was ruoy hte ujts lpeope aog tkinh asy you. Ouye’r ueaecsb ilrg ryngti twgirin rorsy yuo nkwo ot ruth mi’ ncei anc a be i tbu lteitl etinsivse as ’mi sa htsi a i to. Tagot plas,ee oodm ruoy ouy iedctp leeppo btu elgntit sotp rohet. Fra to pvoner eb to ash onyl lal shut alhufrm yuo in asesc ti. Htta hiatan i kown did pisptaidon shti aannw aloh and imte etl uyo. Ofnetr,unlyuta hemt no lierngy was i. Nebe a in nreev utsrt tle shete eaid rmeo ti owkn wto fllu ’eiv i wndo my aws dba i dna tub dha. A’stwn uoy anagi itsh ddnepetre tboau nceo yuor ifamyl dya. Utb by tath evor nwo yueo’r. Tmerat d’nseot it efbero czu heeyvt’ onde ttieipevre dna s’it it. Tawh me got si ,ogthhu ylelra ym esesbti. Ofrtgo yhet. Ma tghtuoh i bgrtoelef?at ?niuabeetnclo i moro aids i ma the pu uoy that i atht lit. To ehyt ayemb ewer wyh eprbmlo hte m?e uyo ddi vrene ile. Asw meyab wylsaa ti yuo. Ae?dh eppoel yuo ouy ahtt oryu wyh on eevn how taht psealic edai hadityr?b ptu rae so oruy doennicvc dhusol merebemr your nto in. Htsi a ustj ldrwo gilr in grareul ouyr. Royu opts rceetn the iangtc iteontant klei of. Spto orf mfor hatt eth muhc fo crae ,ogd polpee iegtncpex dna os ovle ’nodt lmyisp aepels. Ugh. **** uoy lyon eth pu dha gminses rof eohp uyo. Uroy si fltau lla stih. .
You turfeu. .

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