Time Travelled — 4 months

A letter from May 03, 2023

May 03, 2023 Sep 10, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, WE ALL KNOW YOU HAVE LIKED HIM SINCE 8TH GRADE!!! You're a junior now, Sam. Ask him to homecoming. You should've definitely asked him already though because now is getting to be a little late. You only have 2 weeks before it's the dance. Why do you like him anyways? Do you know what his type is and if there is even a chance for you? Are Marlee and Anna Reese still on your tail claiming he likes you because of his antics even though he messes with everyone? LET ME KNOW HOW HOMECOMING GOES!!!!! Here's what you should do in either situation:: A. (it works and he goes as your date) see if you can connect while there, you definitely have a chance babes B. (he goes as just a friend) good! you're still friends and it isn't awkward! maybe you have a chance still C. (he goes with much convincing) he doesn't like you, i'm sorry. but you're still friends right? D. (he doesn't go and doesn't like you 100%) just act like it never happened. act like you've only ever seen him as a friend and TRY to move on. i love you samm. i believe in you. stop being so SINGLE!!


8 months later

ooh girl matthew...

Is omaryne nto itngh a. Cloe is. On stryctli won tbu no nad ffo. I t,,,hink oiegmmcnoh iesnc nitgh.
So aehy. Eth oybs ️🤷♀‍ nwi noycurt fro.

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