Time Travelled — 3 months

A letter from May 27, 2023

May 27, 2023 Sep 01, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Today you started high school. I hope it went well, because as much as I waited for this moment, I have my fears. I can't wait to meet new people, have lockers, nice classrooms, and be able to travel alone and buy things alone. I even can't wait to see Laur, even tho we haven't talked. I don't have feelings for him, but it will be nice to see someone I actually know. And I hope Ilinca is in the same class as me. I hope she's as nice as she seems. I really hope we fit in. I have a couple fears, like being the only new student there, and everyone is gonna know each other and know the teachers and the classroms and It will be hard to fit in. Or that everyone is gonna be smarter than me because this school is so lame and easy and I don't really have to study here. I'm used to being the best student, have the best style, be one of the prettiest girls here. How am I going to catch up on everything? And I don't know how to play volleyball or basketball or football and I hate PE and I'm way behind on PE so how will I handle all these things once I get there? There's only one solution. Learn everything over summer. Know how to pass a ball, catch a ball, run, know all the definitions of every single subject. I need to brush my teeth like 3 times a day so I have super white teeth and always have gum so my breath smells nice and learn to wax and get headphones and learn to do something more, like relearn piano or learn to draw. Also I have to get my ears pierced and buuy jewelry and oh God I have so much to do and I'm not gonna be able to do it until July cause I have the exams in June and prom and everything and I AM STRESSED. So please try to fit in so your slightly younger self is satisfied. I love you. Don't forget that this is your chance at a new begining and new friends and a new life. Love you so much and cant wait to see how my life has turned out.💕


8 months later


Edra. . . . Cmhu e!ttreb sti so.

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