Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Apr 7th, 2022

Apr 07, 2022 Apr 06, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear Future Me, Happy birthday, love, you made it to yet another year! Congratulations baby. your fricken 18 a whole *** adult. God****. That's just crazy to me. Moving on, I hope you are okay on this difficult day. I hope that this year is different, and there's nothing I can do but hope. I hope that mom gave up on trying to ignore your special day, I hope your family acknowledged that it's your birthday and actually wished you it, but if they didn't I know dang well Tahani and Ohla didn't disappoint. they are the best. They make this world worth living in and quite bearable. I know that you are fighting those years like you do every year but I hope you know that it's not worth all that, these material things are not going to help you in the future it only makes you more vulnerable and makes your day a bit less special, so on this special day, let go. let go of the past and live in the now because now I'm history and I think it is better if I stay this way because it only makes you sadder when you think of the past. what happened in the past stays in the past baby. I just know you can do great things, and you will get where you need to get just be patient and make lots of prayers and it will all be worth it in the end. I hope you know how much you mean to me baby girl, you shine in this dim world even when you are dying inside. keep your light. Your light is what separates you from the rest. I love you and I'm forever proud of you. Love, you from the past :)


about 1 year later

Hello past me, this is not what you were expecting I’m sure of it, but here i am writing to you again at 1 am because i have some things...

Ywa i eht tuo teg fo anawn. Eury’o onw 91. Leyrla a tsrut sya l’set uroy asw ouy dan oag shimnoht het kihtn opepel ibryatdh you ot jsut ownk tge you. Initrgw tlteli rhut as ’im steenisvi i nytigr glri as aecuseb i konw ecni ouy to a be siht can m’i orrys oyru’e tub a ot. Tub ospt your eorth popeel elaeps, odmo tgnitel gttoa oyu tecipd. It ot ahs uoy be in marhful lony lal aessc pevrno rfa huts ot. Oalh naanw i itppsaondi did that teim hsti elt you tnaaih kwon and. I ulnt,aryfntoue swa on eryigln tehm. Etl adb fllu i wto my rtust i dan eenb swa nerev wkon e’vi heste ti a dah ndwo in diae meor utb. Oryu oyu mfiayl tish ncoe detderenp agnia ouabt sa’tnw dya. By atht rove own tub euro’y. Etrptveiei enod vey’the ’tis rfbeeo it ucz nda amtret ti dst’neo. Em iessebt hatw ,guhhot tog my ylaerl is. Ooftrg htye. Aoltbeg?efrt moro oyu am i taht uhhtogt up i i i ilt eht htta ma adsi lebaencni?uto. Vnree rewe bymea ywh to hyet teh idd yuo mpolber e?m lei. Was uoy lywsaa it mbyae. You upt oryu eeplop enve os ryou yrat?bidh uoy remmeber hwo lpiscae hyw era ni iaed no tath edha? uroy tath hsludo ccdenvoni otn. Thsi rowdl rilg stuj lurearg a yrou ni. Of the ptos tnettoian tgnaci yoru ekli erenct. Eht d,og oepple t’ndo igxpntece of oelv epesla rof earc cmhu tops so htta spilmy and mrof. Uhg. Uyo pu ahd **** peho hte orf oyu loyn siesnmg. Lfuat is ihts lla ouyr. .
Ouy uetufr. .

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