Time Travelled — over 1 year


Nov 22, 2009 May 22, 2011

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, A city full of art. I am free and anonymous and I need to answer to no one. I go places, join clubs, do service, watch shows whenever I want. I choose my friends because in a city, who cares if you are alone. I can dress how I want because I am anonymous. I can dye my hair. I can paint. I have a day job that is creative and full of people who do not fear differences. I am an outgoing introvert because there is no one to stab your back, nothing to lose. I can fly like a bird, but not through solitude and wilderness. I can fly through urban decay and street art and people dressed oddly. I can stand by statues that turn out to be live actors. I can go to an artistic cafe and just sit by myself. I don't need to answer to anyone. I can go clubbing and flirt with the handsome man in the vest and studded belt and blue hair. I can lie about my age and occupation. I can live alone, but surrounded by people and things and creativity. I'd be in solitude most of the time, thinking things over, observing things, making things, finding things that are beautiful and individual. I'd go out to find inspiration in people and things. I'd be beautiful and strong and people would want to be near me. I'd be kind to everyone except the scumbags and the bitches and the fake. I'd be real, raw, different, and people would be mystified and drawn by me and my truth. I'd sit in the corner of the street and make friends with the musicians. I'd go to art showings and meet the artists and give them my number. But every night I would go home to be by myself and think things through. I'd paint a lot. I'd read a lot. I'd think a lot. I'd write a lot. I'd dabble in music. I'd be me, and I'd be free. Art. Life. Creativity. Youth. Freedom. City. Beauty. Kindness. Power. Once you control your life, take it to town. You only have. one. life. Sono Libero.

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