Time Travelling — over 1 year

what are you doing now?

Sep 10, 2003 Dec 31, 2004

Peaceful right?

Dear gabs, i am your past. i have not taken a bath since three days ago. i am waiting for my job interview tomorrow. You see, you applied for that job because there is a certain guy there that you have been liking since high school and now you finally have the guts to follow your heart and get a job where he's at. You have no good track record in terms of love and relationships. you cooked pork chops last night as you have been cooking dinner for the past month now because your mother and sister wen to the states to immigrate and you feel sad because your father would be joining them in november leaving you all by yourself here. stupid age requirements in petitions. you were confused this day, there were many chages in your life. if you ever get to read this in the future tell me if it ever works out great. even if it doesnt, just tell me it turns out to be the greatest beceause the one of the things that we have n common now is that we hope. gabs ps. tell me if you and the coffee joint guy make it together tell me if you ever meet 980 again tell me if you ever get to follow your folks in the states

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