Time Travelled — 7 months

A letter from Apr 27th, 2022

Apr 27, 2022 Nov 18, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, As I am writing this I'm sitting at my desk at work and wonder where life will take me. And there is a reason we I chose this date for the delivery of this letter. This weekend we will spend almost all hours of the day with our extended family. It's always a bit complicated with these people. They expect so many things from us, which sometimes puts a lot of pressure on us. This letter should serve as a reminder that we are enough as we are. About a day ago, we had a long conversation with our brother, the one we don't really talk to that much. It was eye-opening in so many ways. He told us that not only does the past not matter, because we can't change it, but also the future doesn't matter because we can't change that either. The future will always just be that, the future. Everything we want to do, we can only do now, in the present moment. Right now we have so many ideas and options for what we could do after finishing the apprenticeship in August. As of now I don't know which options we'll choose. However, I'm sure we are doing something good. And that's the most important part, no matter what other people say. Even when they are family. much love, luna


over 1 year ago

You're the one that matter Luna, keep going and I hope your future will be as good as you are!

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