Time Travelled — about 1 year

A letter from Apr 05, 2023

Apr 05, 2023 Jun 03, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, How's everything? Are you still alive even? Did you stop cutting yourself? Hows's blahaj? Is it still strong? Heh i rlly want to kms, i hope ur ok ig, lmaoaoaoaoao i dont think orella's still there is she? Did u grow your hair out? Oh and are you still into guitar? How's your band? I hope you're alive bro OH YEA HOWS BUBBLE? IS HE HEALTHY???? does he still like shrimp? Hows his tank? Did it change? Did anyhting change? Are your friends even there? Are you even surviving? How's your birthday? Im still 12, Being 14 seems cool huh.. How's your grades? I hope you're okay, i hope your arm is clean again, happy birthday btw heheheheh i hope you get what you wanted, and i hope papa isnt a jerk anymore, anyways happy 14th birthdayyy yayyyy ur 14 nowww, is your fav song still one sided love? Do u still like artic monkeys? I should stop lmao, okayy byee hope ur mentally okayy


about 2 months later

yes im still alive, i stopped cuttingand im clean...

Uwtioth cihhw on aabhlj aiwillm is si okgdgkjneslu ow,n avhe bhalja ubt geornl eh aaysllcbi. Rfo mi lroela treoh eflt ,koay nfserdi. Ym i rhai gowr idd otu. Laom ddea sb'beblu dna a oaipn o,ot! iionv a tog. Cmr tub i,s mih itknh sgon i ehre gi like is idfersn ttsha ??rae odokrio, fva ddint be ubt we a !nojsa my htiw ***** teetrb llist on nsoja juts who etsher utb ti ernao,t dfiesrn got ppa'as 'id. . . .

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about 1 month ago

So proud of you!

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