Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Jul 27, 2023

Jul 27, 2023 Jul 27, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear me, dear dear future me, I hope you’re feeling alright. I hope you’ve been cured from depression and anxiety. From your traumas. I hope you still enjoy your lives with your four closest friends, Jade, Eloïse, Léo and Côme. I hope this time, the year went easily. At least, you won’t be alone through hardships this time. If anything goes wrong, you’ll go through this with your dearest friends. With the ones you consider your big sister and you big brother, Elo and Léo. Your heart siblings. I hope you’ll be able to see Seventeen in concert, to travel to Japan, Korea, Thailand, Peru, Argentina, Norway or Sweden. Maybe Mexico? I hope everything will stay alright with dad, I hope you’ll find a kind boyfriend or girlfriend or stay single and happy if you want to. I hope your classmates will be joyful and your teachers, patient. I hope that this year, the luck stays with you like it did for your first year of high school. All I wish for you is to live a cool, chill and steady life. Please be brave, please be kind and courageous. Please have patience. Please stay who you are. Don’t be afraid of being yourself. You’re the person I cherish the most, Your 15 years old self


about 8 hours later

You know, they’ve all given up on me. I mean, all is a huge...

Hmte all ndwo tluaycal d,orw of elt evah me tno as. I teh ow…kn udrstte me ut,b noes nnaaedodb eth ouy omst. Rea hte leki rcdwsao they ltyhif.
Ym i ubt way anth eh of woh steb, l,eoppe ufr ’vei wsa cohco uaedrdsntn ️❤ oems regfniufs kiu the wen ndofu adn em, y,retvighne odnuf ewn nad hcum lalb ttllei ti emro voel saw ohw eiv’ too g,noe nad btu is v,oel rof. Iignnrgb dna prrus yhvreerwee ugrinnn ,ereh kui’s now yjo 🥹 aswayl eikl czray nda yarz,c nda uonicbgn nad sps,aehinp.
L,tlsi it i it oto mhcu kown ’im eb, dna eenv a,yw yuo ont a,yok ecpact shti suges dwulo eprref i tbu pdeoh aawy,ysn if ouy it drah be lkie ereprf oudlw ulodw ot yrve i.

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