Time Travelled — almost 10 years

A letter from August 12th, 2012

Aug 12, 2012 Jul 06, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, If you don't know what this is, It's a email I wrote 10 years ago to be delivered today. July 6th, 2022. I actually already sent one, so you will get that somtime this month probably unless you got it already. I thought it was a little dry so I'm sending this. I'm sorry about the photo. I took that just now. I thought it should be a spontaneous photo. So your...33, almost 34. Wow. Hi I'm trying to picture myself as 34. I'm probably reading this with a big grin on my face Whats going on with me right now?. Well I got back from Vancouver in April. I wont get into to it too much but It was a proud achievement for me. I got some PA jobs, worked as a warehouse worker, and as a bar busier. On my first PA job I finished at around 3am and almost got arrested as a homeless vagrant, lost of good memories in my short time there. Right now I'm trying to find work in an internship, something relating to film. I started writing horror and I'm getting better. I'm playing keyboard and singing everyday. (reedit/nosleep - pyote5 (or breadofthedead) I do hope to becomes really great with my music and join a band maybe. I also have hopes for my writing. It would be great if I could publish something. One of my dreams of course would be to direct and release a horror movie. I don't feel ready right now but its something I don't think I'll ever completely give up on. Do I have advice for 33/34 year old me.? Im guessing I have;nt stopped accomplishing things at 33, I just hope you stop and pat yourself on the back now and again. I can be hard on myself sometimes even now writing this I worry that future me will have lost his sense of humor and will think I;m very naive. I just need to believe in myself more I suppose. I worry too much. Probably you could give me more advice. My regrets would be if I gave up music and writing everyday for some reason. I hope to get married one day too. Mostly I want 33 year old me to be happy. Whoever you are I know your doing your best right now just like I am. Now lets imagine we both shake hands What the hell Ok now I'm going to go and live the next 10 years and then you can send another of these to the 43 year old Alan.

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