Time Travelled — almost 10 years

A letter from November 18th, 2013

Nov 18, 2013 Nov 18, 2023

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, on July 3rd, 2011 you asked Monica to be your girlfriend, her brother was your best friend, but you went for it anyways. 2 years and 4 1/2 months later you're really going through with it, the ring is in your underwear drawer, (really, we couldn't think of ANYWHERE better to hide it than the underwear drawer? Anyways...) and after more than 2 years being with her you're finally ready to ask her to marry you, and on Christmas morning no less. As of now I can only hope that she's sitting there by your side reading this with you, and if so, I just want you to know, Monica, I love you more than words can express. Nerd warning: Call of Duty Ghost came out recently, how many have been made since? 9? 10? anyways, I hope life hasn't kicked your butt too hard, and unless you're working full time with new co-workers I cant imagine you're still working at the Egg Co. How are the folks? I imagine mom would be, what, 48 tomorrow? (hint hint, don't forget to call... again.) Do we have our own place yet? Kids? I wonder if you've still got Monica's Jetta and the dented Civic I just got. Has Brittany graduated from college yet? The future is a scary thing, but I know everything will work out in the end. Do they have semi-affordable retinal implants yet? how's Minecraft holding up in the new decade? I just realized you may not even have this email in 10 years cause of stupid hackers... just lost the original pikawarp@yahoo last year or the year before to a hacker. Do you still use the 1terabyte Hard drive I just blew $100 on? you better, that thing wasn't cheap. then again, in 10 years you may have $100 10tb flash drives for all I know. Is 'president' Barrack Obama's reign of terror a black mark on America's history yet? it should be. Fast and Furious, Train wreck Obama-Care. Anyways, laptop's about to die (Lenovo, still got it?) Nobody cares as much for you as I do. Live long and prosper! :D


10 months ago

So cool to read! Hope your doing good

Letter Author:

10 months ago

Monica accepted the proposal, then a few months later cheated, i tried to save the relationship until 2021 and then broke up with her because she refused to try to improve things. Now I’m single, living on the opposite side of the USA, and I’m just as depressed as i was 10 years ago

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