Time Travelled — about 6 years

A letter from May 2016

Apr 02, 2016 May 09, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear Michael, (Backstory and context: As I write this, I am sitting in my dorm room, freshman year, taking a break from that Kinetic Typography assignment we had for MIT. I'm 18, can't wait to get my car and start modding it, and have drone racing business plans with Cole.) I assume by the time you get this, that you are 24, at least that's what I intended for this thing. Anyway, how's life. Business, school, job, career? I hope you started your own business by now and are making bank. At least that's the plan for me as I write this. Own a P1 yet? If not, no biggy, its not like that's your dream car or anything. Haha jk. Owning a $2 mil car by the age of 24 is quite a challenge. But knowing you, you'll accomplish it as long as you get your lazy ass to work. Keep working towards that goal. Its a good one to have. How's the subie? She better be making a lot of power by now. 400? 500? Whatever it is, I hope it's awesome to drive and that you are still using it as a daily. What about other mods? Have you finished that mod sheet yet? It better look rad. Girlfriend? She better be beautiful, funny, fit, happy, all that good stuff. How's climbing going? Have you sent V11 yet? Probably. I mean my goal is to climb V10 this summer but that probably won't happen since my finger's broken right now. V11 shouldn't be to hard of challenge. V12 or V13 maybe. Anyway, I hope your life is a success right now, you have an awesome girlfriend, a killer car collection, and are running your business well. If not, DO NOT panic. Just remember, like TJ Hunt always said, Keep Moving Forward. Don't give up now. 24 is pretty young, you still have a lot of life left. Just imagine that right now, you are on top of your V13 project. Now is NOT the time to give up. Now is the time to work even harder than you did before. I want you to take all the dreams you have right now, write them down, and get to work making them true. One by one, as long as it takes, as hard as it it, you will succeed. Keep working hard and don't forget to have some fun. Go climb, do some flips (you better be able to do more than just a backflip by now), and drive fast. See you in a few years. I need to go study physics now. - Michael

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