Time Travelled — about 4 years

A letter from April 26th, 2018

Apr 26, 2018 May 27, 2022


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, HAPPY 30th birthday! I really hope that you are happy today. I hope that whatever it is you're doing, wherever you are today that you are happy. I can't believe we're 30! Wow! Aging is so weird isn't it? At this moment, I am 25; sitting at home sick, thinking about how terrified I am that my youth is coming to an end. The thing is, I have no idea what to do with our life. I don't know if I want to get into marketing, but that's where I'm at right now. I miss writing, but it seems that I do everything these days but write. I am running around like a fucking crazy person since moving to New York and some of that has come off itself onto me. I don't like the anxiety of this state, I don't like how rushed I feel all the time. I feel like there isn't enough time in the day to think all the things I want to think, read all the things I want to read, and do all the things I want to do- does that get better wherever you are? Are you happier now? Did we find what we loved? If we didn't- I hope that we are at least happy. 30 is a big number, try not to be afraid of it. We are 30, flirty and thriving! Hopefully.. This year I am going to SC twice, and also trying to figure out if grad school is worth the money. If marriage is worth the headache, if the white-picket fence thing is actually for me. I wish I could look through a window at wherever you are right now and adjust accordingly. Did you get married?! Where!? Did you have any regrets? Did you ever make it back to California? Where else in the world have you gone? So many questions! But I'm sure you have answered them all already. I love you so much, I love us, and I love this experience on earth. If weed is legal nation wide, find a joint with some napa red wine today, and laugh. Laugh, dance, cry, celebrate. Happy 30th


about 22 hours later

Why Hello there 25 year old self. My goodness, what a journey we’ve already had and will continue on.

Yes, things will...

Swlo. .
And y’llou do ni tnkgmreai - ,sey lelw tennucoi. .
Ot ti keam ifalncrioa you kcba at?wh did sgseu. This emti eb ltcyaxe inaliracof - ni not dha midn utb ouy hnotrern ltli’ awht. Rfyuosle vome nsa ot froancisc you. .
,ahah yse. I kwno. .
Ear esy dan in ojin hlhtae atsc regta hte oyu!. .
You ehiwl ni li’lt oto - ’litl be iaflraonci hte nimd dah uslo snnuy odgo - daerm be uroy it tub hrad ofr ta’snw. Hte einnnigbg a jmora fo lrtiosrntmoanaaf fo elfi uroy tis’ paercht. Rdunoa hnecag taht lrwdo nkwe will pmecolleyt nda yuo, hirynevteg ouy in - teh nimd baer utb. .
Ruvseiv olu’yl tub. Tgrrsoen comeeb nad fo ebecsua ti. .
Ogdo nwse oemr. Ouy do ruyo to teg in rlaigec rkpa semoatlu oianlnta - irdamre. Ti rudeop ti flei hilae,d dna - saw anir nwdoe,s eth fo but uyro ppesathi day. .
’atnc yawa i vgie ti ohgthu all. Sarye os rmof adn ev,lo uy’ore neprso rpcet,es eth snoerp lilw eth - iwniht at’ren ,rpectfe muhc dan lyoul’ be olyul’ tath isedring etcepirapa taelr tub. Yeojn ndto’ cbak to oot seittnew go you hcmu c-beuase dna ryou ta’nc roywr rty. .

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