Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from May 15th, 2020

May 15, 2020 May 15, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, It's been 2 months since we went into lockdown. The world outside is empty. Tumbleweeds blow through Time Square. The Sidney opera house is silent. The Mona Lisa has to make do with small snippets of attention from a passing security guard who, frankly, isn't convinced she's all that. The only places still bustling are Intensive Care Units. We still don't know when it's all going to end, and my anxiety is mounting. I'm almost paralysed by it. It's impossible to know how much of my fear is altruistic... a kind of existential pain for a world that's suffering. The truth is, I think, that most of my anxiety is shallow, selfish. I'm upset I can't hug my mum, that she's in another country and it could be months, even a year, before I get to see her again. I'm worried that I'm too stupid or lazy to complete my dissertation. My Masters degree hangs in the balance. Complexities surrounding placements and Coronavirus mean that it could be another year before I'm qualified, and this uncertainty panics me. Beneath that is a fear that I'm not sure I even want to be qualified, and that beginning a career in the health service currently feels wholly overwhelming. In a way, the millions of ill and dead and destitute and abused show the folly of my petty worries. My privilege, my luck, to be young and healthy and pursuing a post graduate degree. But the fear still remains, a panic that my body can't forget no matter what my mind tries. I try to forgive myself, because I am unwell. Mental illness is a part of my story. Fear, dread, depression. Sometimes I find myself unable to move. Sometimes it turns into pain, nausea, fever, like my mind is overflowing and poisoning my body. But I meditate, and I breath through it, and I try to live a life that makes sense, that isn't about staying safe. I'm in love too. He squeezes me tight when it all gets to much. He moors me to the surface of the earth so I don't float away. He's something physical to touch. Something beyond the anxious uncertainty of social media with its unread messages and ambiguous emojis. I'm 24 next week. There's something to that. There's something powerful about knowing that time is still passing even as we're all standing still. I enjoy my birthdays. I'll drink champagne, and eat cake. I'll open gifts. I celebrate being as loved as I am. Being young, and beautiful, and being in love with a handsome man who fully embraces even my defects. I won't ask you any questions, future me, even though I have many. I'm sure I know all that I need to. I hope that you still meditate. I hope you are still in love. I hope you are filled with gratitude when you hug your mum. I suppose I am writing to remind myself that there is a future. Now, more than ever, glib remarks about apocalypse and the inevitability of death have become commonplace. It feels as if this virus has turned us all into Nihilists. But I believe in survival, kindness, and the human spirit. And I believe in you. Best Wishes, future you. xx


2 days later

Dear Past Me,

Thank you for your letter. The notification flashed up while I was on a treadmill at the gym. I felt shocked for a moment. It was like...

Eihrnga ybrela ubt dvoel remrmeeb a mseeono own form yldepe acn you hohcdloid ocen erdifn,. Rae gieh,ltr utb enon m,e a ewf btu eth cpernsexeei yuo esls em. .
Ofr gnol ltel on gderadg ot oyu lsacaeyppo the tnwa i ohw t'don. I ot i hpoe i fi eslo odn'utlw lcod,u ou,'dtlwn evne twan uyo ueaecbs. It anwt teetbr you rae wdoul ot onwk ouy ouy adn i isedurvv, htta tub fro. Hpyap i wtna uyo olwud ahtt onwk to ear you. .
Lony 6 yuor sewke iisefdnh rdeeeg elat ouy. Ti ysae n'wats. Uyro gnoils i fo teh ndim uelsbt sibinnggne oyu oury ni ttreel reonicgse. Esrwo ti it teretb breofe ogt got. Ni ryfosule ofr csgoendrie yuo a teh mrirro ryalbe w,hlie. .
Ewnh be risestitando to your niwgitr ot erew psenatr emodv aieldnr yuor kbac whti uoy oyu. Otgerhte be fmro ofr it tu,b hderra be asw a ywaa it ot fbdreiyon iwel,h asw to uoyr dahr. Rueddsho aysd omeyltlecp ew eecbam aetsrnrsg ookclwdn ot heotr anixety aehc htta ot ruo os dan idgunr othes vayeh veulserso smndi. .
Ugorhht ntha uro snetogrr bene hdra vree nfduo is,emt we het eevw' way ac,kb. Rbemeced ppsrooed 22,00 in eh. Yrae wfei oryu entx rviesnnyara uyo eno sa rbclgieante ish mohnt ear. Is eragrmia. . . Wlle. . . I evha you oghhut gmniaei liyad ofent ouy posiybls fo jyo onkw the i dtier fw,ie ucdlo 'ndto nhtik shi bneig. Gednidw opelep teh you so etm anmy neev ont fo at olneduwrf vaeh yuro. Nr,oesp oen ohw awnts' tgouhht eb ,eerth wyslaa yuo wudol. Os neve nda uhrt ahtt seh cteplomyle seh uyo etl neviidt 'tnsaw ndwo oyu. A si nwo ot ehs garsenrt uyo. .
Athstiepr, ouy a ear nad one oogd topicolacuan an. Loev uoy bjo uyro. Asftf eekw, asthploi veha ni siptacrihyc opst neeb ealwldo lniafyl okrw ewignra ot hte ssmak a a,nd ihts oyu. Sha ot ti evrne illw be lr,aonm lword arenyl it frebeo rderuten swa tohguh hte ohw layctex. .
27 era ihts dnkewee yuo. Uoy itknga ot lonpad dnbsahu )!( ot is oyru ecertaebl. Yuo hverrwee to erfe rea oyu evarlt leik. You laos ouy ruoy you ouy imdae,ett c,pam ithw ubt y,ccel a go gym eekw ot ilslt het wicet frsedin. To pu onpdee and the rodlw eyvegrihnt ahs poen feorf ti rea ouy to ga,ian sha so. Teh tub to,l it too a oyu vgae ndpicmea ootk a tlo. U,oy adn leov samek aftdee ti ouy dsewho si rafe your st,rho ifel iowhhrwetl elfi ncoant ryvnegethi si ttha. .
Of vo,le tslo.
O,uy ftreuu.

This user has written an update to this letter.To see what they wrote, please


over 1 year ago



over 1 year ago

I teared up reading your letter <3

It feels like a whole different life ago.

I hope you are doing amazing wherever you are - and whoever you are and is reading this.

We made it through <3


over 1 year ago

This is the most emotional I’ve ever felt. You described perfectly how I was feeling when the world went silent.


over 1 year ago

Thank you for sharing. Thank you for updating. You’re a very good writer and I’m so happy things worked out well for you.


over 1 year ago

I have two words for this... Emotional, Inspiring.

Thank you for inspiring me.


over 1 year ago

We did it luv! We made it! Hope you're happy. Thank you for holding on. I'm proud of you


over 1 year ago

I hope you graduated girl <3


over 1 year ago

loved that ✨ It translates many feelings all of us had been through


over 1 year ago

I have almost forgotten what lockdown felt like... It was so long ago!


over 1 year ago

thank you for sharing this, I honestly cried after reading, lock down was something that damaged us all... but we made it! we are all blessed to be alive aren't we! (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥

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