Time Travelled — almost 17 years

A Message from the Past

Dec 19, 2005 Oct 22, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear Me, It's been a long time since you wrote this. If you get this, then by now you are half-way through your life. I hope that whatever decisions you made in the future, that you did not forget the most important thing in your life. The passion which led you on a path which forever changed your life. I hope you haven't forgotten the significance of August 6, 2001. I hope you haven't forgotten your only reason for living. Dear God, I prayed for you, I prayed you'd never forget. Hey, remember when you left college for the first time, and your canadian friend drove you to the airport as tears streamed down your cheek to the song "when its over" by Sugar Ray. Remember that wild atheist best-friend of yours? His kind eyes, sense of humour, the way you guys just *clicked*. Remember you used to pray for him all the time? I wonder if you ever ran into him again. I hope you didn't lose his keychain, the one he gave you the last time you saw him. That summer day when for the last time you both went up to the hill which overlooked all of San Francisco. Remember that beach with the lighthouse you used to walk by, with that odd little arcade with vintage games and trinkets. I hope you haven't forgotten him, or the rest of table rats. I hope you never stopped crying for his soul. I'm getting ready to graduate now. Four long years, four trying years. I came in ready to say goodbye to the world. I've tried hard. I hope the decisions I'm making today aren't ruining things in the future. If I screwed up really badly, forgive yourself now ok? Im scared. I'm scared I wont make it all the way, I'm scared I'll sell out. I say right now that Im going on to get my masters in Philosophy. You know how much I love Philosophy. But what about Guatemala? What about that cool afternoon I was sitting on the top deck of that boat overlooking the villages begin to light up in the break of night, and the burden I felt, and the tears I cried? Remember how much I cried? I called out to God, and begged him for mercy, and begged Him to send someone to tell them the truth, to preach the name of Jesus. Remember when you preached at that evangelistic outreach, and when those people accepted Christ, how you felt like that was all you wanted to do with the rest of your life? I pray you are happy, even now. I pray when you read this you will not be filled with tears of sorrow and regret, but tears of fulfillment, peace, and joy. I pray you meet that man of your dreams, and I pray God grants you the desires of your heart. I pray that you do not follow the evil desires of sin, but that you push through the life of righteousness. Remember 1Cor 10:9.. or was it 2cor10:9? We are destroying every lofty speculation that rises itself up against the knowledge of God. I hope you haven't forgotten those free days of the School of Evangelism. I wonder... was it him? And do you ever still talk to her? I hope you didn't compromise, but if you did, I hope you stop doing so today. Remember how great God was to me, remember how He changed my life. When I was in Aguascalientes, MX - not too long ago, and God spoke, and He said "This is for you". Did you take the call of God upon your life seriously? I thank God that forever I will have a diploma that reminds me that God's call was so strong on my life, that I stopped everything I was doing, and dedicted four years of my life to this.. to Christ.. to the eternal. And with this I end. "Don't doubt in the darkness, what God has told you in the Light" - C.S. Lewis Sincerely, Me... P.S. Happy 40th Birthday... and, geez, no new email address??


over 1 year ago

hi, how are you?!
are you still here!

iseb immig:

over 1 year ago

Come on update us on the journey so far especially with Christ...


10 months ago

I hope you got the chance to read your message.
Update please !

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