Time Travelled — almost 4 years

Questions about the 2024 election

Nov 10, 2020 Nov 10, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear You, Biden just won the election, woohoo! I'm so happy about it, that means that minorities will keep their rights and democracy will remain :) Here are a few questions I have about the election: 1) Did Biden fill any seats on the Supreme Court? 2) Did Trump or Ivanka run? 3) Who won? (if you know yet), or who is leading? 4)Did LGBTQ+ people keep their rights? 5) Is Covid still a thing? If not, when was the vaccine discovered? 6)This is the first time you voted! Who did you vote for? (right now I'm planning on voting Howie Hawkins if he runs, but that might change) 7) How's global warming going? 7) a) How many years does Earth have left? 8) Is AOC still in the House? 9) How's the Black Lives Matter movement going? Is there any progress towards the end of police brutality? 10) Did the US become less islamophobic? Good luck for the next 4 years! Sincerely, 15 year old you


about 20 hours later

Hey kid,
You're not going to like what I have to say. First of...

Etrih peke ot wuodl la,l girsht muessa aahh odlb rtimonseii of ahtt uyo.
Ryuo aeswnr ot :frei padri oqiessnut.
Swa at (i did eno h)tb nkvaia t2)upmr tnpio a noenecdtr rgtfoo.
/: )3 rmptu.
Btd )4.
Stlli is teh 5) dcvoi tub higtn a nvcaeic aws 1202 odrcvseied in.
Otn nur idd tdevo la uzcr 6) ikdan os llij tfunleytaronu de wioeh i estni susck niakshw nad.
7) bda.
Ton esmes )a holwe ti lot 7) a.
Ot dirnef ldot hits dha adh )idea sbecaeu on (i i yb ylhnesto esy be ym 8).
Egprosrs ti sa as ezor nlryae 'oesdnt 9) teg sdeu o,t epsrs cuhm and si etehr ti.
Ti fi to,n gaihytnn eosrw tgo 01) buylalsoet.
Cnenoneic ryuo joyen dub.

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about 2 months ago

hey come here and update us

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