Time Travelled — almost 2 years

A letter from November 11th, 2020

Nov 11, 2020 Nov 11, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear November 11th, 2022 Me, It’s official, you’re a writer! Writing is super fun and surprisingly easy. Who knew that when you take the time to sit and be still, that the words practically just spill out of you, onto the page. Where you struggled in the past, to start a story, now you see it in its full glory, from start to finish. Also, grammar is super simple as well, once you learned the rules and started applying them, you no longer struggle with the revising and editing portion of writing. All of your stories flow beautifully and connect together like a puzzle. Your writing leaps off the page, into the minds of whoever reads it and inspires something inside of them. Your writing starts movements and progresses things forward. Your writing is lifechanging. Your writing has the power to create worlds. You’re confident and comfortable in your writing abilities and are proud to show it off. You’re a freelance writer now, which is great because it gives you the freedom that you like and the chance to travel around, without the constraints of being tied down to a company. For fun, you run a successful lifestyle blog now, where you basically get paid to be yourself and share your personal stories and views on things. It’s a great place for you to be vulnerable and your true authentic self, no filters, all you. With your fresh perspective and outlook on things, your able to leave the reader with a new perspective and opportunity to take what they read and ask more questions/do more research. Not only are you healing yourself but you’re helping heal others too. You’ve created a safe space for your readers, that feels like little community. It’s also a great manifesting tool for me. I’ve never written down something that hasn’t come into fruition, exactly how I’ve written it or better. It’s amazing to see how many opportunities and doors, I’ve had open up for me because of my writing. Now I’m practically overflowing with ideas and it’s not just limited to writing. Writing has sparked something inside of me, that has opened up a floodgate of highly creative energy. I’m also super grateful for the divine ideas, I’ve received and how I now get the chance to act on them and see them grow into something far bigger, than I could ever imagine. I’m able to see my dreams grow before me and I’m so grateful and ecstatic with the results.

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