Time Travelled — over 19 years

its me, alex from 2003.

Sep 13, 2003 Apr 16, 2023

Peaceful right?

so your forty and i am only twenty. hah! i win! i told myself i would never get old. i really hope you aren't lame, and you listen to good music and still love life and are happy. i hope you gave up the pot. i hope you don't drink a lot. i hope that you make other people happy in your life as i do today. Q: what do you get when you turn an elephant into a cat? A: a cat, silly! do we have any kids? if so, show them this email. i always wanted to know what my parents were like at my age now. you can wait until they are twenty or something to show them if you want, use your own discretion. and if we do have any kids, and you do show them this, i say hello. Q: What is black, red, and has trouble getting through a doorway? A: A nun with a spear through her head! This morning I woke up at Mackenzie, Kaytie, Susie and Diana's house. Remember the lobby shop? Well, we saw that punk band last night, all of us. With Eryn and her boyfriend *barf, why is she with HIM*. and tonight i am going over to Kerry, Morgan and Tom's for Matty Wilson's birthday party. Are you still friends with them? Probably not. But you better be friends with Marisa still. If you aren't, give her a call. You know you should. Tell your kids (our kids) what I was like. Show them pictures, if any exist. it would be amazing if you are still using this email address. i will see if i can make it happen. from alexander michael gray, september 13, 2003.


over 1 year ago

I really want to know what happened to you , do you have any child ? It’s so gorgeous , i mean come on 2003 ?


over 1 year ago

I love reading these letters... Now I'm curious about the questions... Do u have any child? Are you still friend of Marisa?


over 1 year ago

OMG Alex, you were amazing I bet that you're still so funny and hoping that you and Marissa are still friends too!! Please, if you read this, let us know what happened to you. Do you have kids?


over 1 year ago

I wasn't even born when this was written omg, I want updates.


over 1 year ago

aww this melt my heart


over 1 year ago

Hope you are still happy Alex


over 1 year ago

woah, this is so cool


over 1 year ago

I love this message
I hope you will be a good father and an important person in life. ✨


over 1 year ago

I liked your name, Alex:) it reminded of a special person from a special time of Covid. You sounded to have a humour with your Q&A.


over 1 year ago

I wasn't even born when this was written
i was born 2009

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