Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Aug 26th, 2021

Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear future me, You’ve been through alot. Especially this year, twice you gave your heart and all to the guy. In the end you got heartbroken real bad. I know you felt lonely, you need attention. And all you want is to love and be loved. You kept questioning yourself why are you not enough, why everything has to crumble down halfway? Its okay dear. Its okay. Good things takes time. I dont know by now how your life will turn out. Will you be meeting the one already? Is it him that you’re always longed for? Or is it someone else? Or you’re still on your own? But know whatever it is…you’re good enough and you’re worth it. I hope you already enjoy your life by now. I hope you already found your reason to smile. I honestly hope you’re at peace with yourself and found your happiness. Be happy, dearself. Happy 28th birthday dear me. Whether you’re celebrating it with someone special or on your own, know that you’re already special as you are :) be your own source of happiness, love yourself more, smile more :)


over 1 year ago


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