Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Aug 30th, 2021

Aug 30, 2021 Aug 30, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dearest Hanna 2022, First and foremost, I'd like to inquire as to how you're doing. Did you know that last year on this day, you were lying in bed silently writing this letter to your future self because you saw a video about it on tiktok? Are you in decent shape? Have you managed to resist the impulse to chat with the man you promised yourself you'd forget? Have you already decided on the thesis topic you wish to write about? Have you completed and passed your comprehensive examination? Have you finished your senior year in college? Whatever the outcome and whatever transpired, know that the Hanna 2021 is incredibly proud of you and what you will achieve. You are courageous and strong. I know you'll be able to achieve it! I hope you and your heart are both content. God loves you unconditionally, and that is always enough. All of your love, Hanna 2021 ❤️

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