Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Sep 3rd, 2021

Sep 03, 2021 Aug 31, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear An, I don't know whether or not you were able to read this letter. But it's me, you from the past. Hi! Happy birthday!! You are 23, amazing <3 If you are reading this, how is your life going? Is it good? Are you happy? From where you are at right now, looking back to where I am writing this letter, I hope you know that you have done and always are doing such a great job maintaining your life, your love, and your work. You are doing great honey. Keep it up, please. Do it for both of us. Right now, I will try my best for you to be able to read this letter. But if someone else read it, then I am sorry... Nevertheless, we will do our best to become happier, right? I am currently not in a good place. But on the bright side, I got a job, been working there for almost 2 months now. I hope you are developed and have a job that you are happy and devoted to because I am not really satisfied with the current one right now. I am basically lost. To be honest, I want to quit! You are definitely braver than me, for sure! How about love? Still counting strong or...? He is a great guy, that man tho, he supports everything I do. Great find! Sometimes I feel bad cause he loves me when I don't love myself and haven't found myself yet! But hey, I am really fighting myself for this relationship. Hope you are deeply in love with both yourself and him. About to ask about the pandemic thingy but tbh don't even want to mention it cause it ruins everything. But still hope we are safe and free! I don't know what to say anymore. Just remember we have come a really long way for you to be there so be PROUD. Love you,

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