Time Travelled — almost 17 years

Hey, life began 20 years ago - are you enjoying it yet?!?

Jan 05, 2006 Nov 01, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Happy 50th! Don't forget to buy new socks occasionally. You know how old socks give you corns. Have they invented self-driving cars yet? What about America? Has it managed to start a new war in the past year? How many since 2006? Has another movie star become president? Does Hollywood run the country yet? Phone Augustin and ask him if he remembers our pool and beer session on the night you wrote yourself this email (Do phones as you knew them in 2006 still exist?). You DO still remember Augustin, don't you? ¿Como esta tu Español? Is cannabis legal? If so, does Gab mind you smoking it? Has anyone discovered proof of extraterrestrial life? Intelligent? (That's intelligent extraterrestrial life, not has anyone intelligent discovered it, or are you intelligent (yet)... although I suppose all three are relevant questions...) Okay, bye for now... but if time travel is now possible, come back and visit me, yeah? I promise my best not to cause any anomalies in the continuum... :oþ Have punctuation rules changed at all in the past 16 years? I was very careful to check spelling and punctuation to avoid confusing myself/you/whatever... Once again, happy birthday - don't party TOO hard... unless time travel IS possible, then party REAL hard, and don't forget to invite me! (same promise as earlier :oP) Love and hugs Your past self :o)


over 1 year ago

This is the most beautiful letter I have ever read. Are you still here?


over 1 year ago

I want to know how good is your Spanish haha. Estoy esperando tu actualización


over 1 year ago

wow this made my day PLEASE WRITE BACK AAH


over 1 year ago

not me answering all your questions, haha. This one made me laugh a lot. Hope you're okay!


over 1 year ago


Letter Author:

about 1 year ago

@kulivan135 - yeah, I'm still here. Sorry for not replying earlier, I was out buying new socks.
@abavlie - mi español está mucho mejor que antes, gracias!


about 1 year ago

He s hereee, glad to know that you are always alright man!


about 1 year ago

im happy to know you received the letter!


about 1 year ago

this is so cute for some reason!


about 1 year ago

this is so cute for some reason!

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