Time Travelled — 8 months

A letter from Dec 2nd, 2021

Dec 02, 2021 Aug 13, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, This time last year you were in Blackpool with your sister, and the girls so excited to see Paul as it was your 31st birthday, you kind of ruined plans that day because you decided you didn't want to go for food as you'd stuffed yourself silly with treats it was your birthday after all. Then something that made you unsure happened Paul got down on one knee and popped the question, I know you were surprised about that and called him all the names under the sun, but I hope you've come round to it now, there's no need to rush into a wedding and when you do decide to get married make sure to do it your way. Don't let anyone push you to do anything you don't want. I also know you had recently decided to maintain your weight how's that going? I know you're smashing life right now don't worry about little slips they're bound to of happened, as long as you've continued to push through. I hope you're still taking your meds as these are really helping you. All my love. Past Sarah age 31years

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