Time Travelled — 11 months

A letter from Jan 8th, 2022

Jan 08, 2022 Dec 08, 2022


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I am so proud of your! You made it through another year of ups and downs and still managed to come out on top. This year you grew more into the leader you were meant to be. As your ascended in leadership with more responsibilities you remained true to who you are as a kind, funny, silly, and outgoing person. You changed the world and didn't let the world change you. Your family is happy and safe admist a global pandemic. You all still managed to thrive. You got to travel more and see family and friends you haven't seen in a while. You have become more settled in your new home and made it a welcoming space for loved ones to visit. You and Maggie have grown closer together and spent better quality time together with dates. Your business Positive Philter has grown with more one-on-one clients and paid speaking engagements. You have set lots of goals for the year but here are three that I want to highlight: (1) Positive Philter has more than 10, 000 dollars in the business account (2) You visit Hillard in Boise, Idaho, and (3) You lose weight and weigh around 180lbs-186lbs. Even if you don't accomplish all of your goals, I am proud of your energy, effort, and enthusiasm. You thrived and survived! Take Care, January 2022 self!


5 days later

This year didn't entirely turn out as I had...

Hdepo. Of spu teh vhae teh nad lto dn,wso edtohugwei eben rethe nihkt ndswo a nad usp i. Gnhytnia hrdevasioowgn him wraetihf-l-an dgoo aceuebs dassep os veol ednephap him shgint all ahev nad my evha ulowd vgei kbca waa,y hcmu i to het ttah. E,ylhlpfuo su gnev,giir in sih twhi aery hgiwnact iylafm enw tisrpi uro and si eth eslebds are we vero. A netx taerf eht adlhiyos fro eary tirwe ot i ma oggni reltet. .

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