Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Apr 27th, 2022

Apr 27, 2022 Apr 27, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Life is a weird thing. I just received the letter from the old future me you've sent to me two years ago and I realize nothing has really change. I don't know if I should be sad or juste accept how things are. I'm lying when I say nothing has change, for sure I have grew up, learn new things, but concretely, I feel like I walk like an ant and it annoys me. I work hard on my personal project and still wait to get benefit from it... please telle me now you are doing ok. Tell me now that you are recognize for what you do, tell me you can live from your ideas. Are you stil with that guy you met few weeks ago - that guy with fake hair / or maybe are you back with your ex or just free like a bird ? haha Anyway, I hope you are rich and famous but above all you are healthy <3 Life is weird thing. To read the last letter makes me a bit melancholia. I hope is not too ****** in the country this year cause the new president we got this week won't make things easy. Be strong


1 day later

Dear Old Me,

I did not expect this letter of you today. It make me smile because, you said it right : you president did shitty things in your country...

Rea iekssrt abd onw rthee eyrv adn arnuod hte lla nyutcro. Tghisn yad ear we gtihrs yreve ighfntgi ervye rof dan oru. Figthngi etufru iigfngth het uro with fro o,iclpe. ,kiss rkdin tae ienc hcsoa eht esam waht dan iwen a ufiulabte shcoa lbaftiueu - a lvei fodo treets shfit,g ,hgus adnc,e in ni reehw pleepo i. .
Ervy at deep isgnohmte and rae gpneicxeiern oyu eht adrh omtmen. Uyo uoyr eno vleod eyrsa gao, 10 love aaign aaywls het e'uyov tem ormf rfsit ahev. In eswke wto mih tem adnohll goa ouvye'. Ouy ti gntihon txeedpce leki edeahpnp. Of uyo uyo ni eoosenm ierdzael vole tsuj volnig erwe zaanimg hwit vnuoersi eht. It swa ediwhs nto is eolv tub litsl noeyamr lauumt ouy tsih. Eb uyo who the to ftorge fo ovel to taht ntwas yrojen,u eht ov,le fngelie rvye mveo nonag a eth lve,o eoymran uace,esb ened ton lfee no tub ruoy trifs ro is't ,wno usol ossrc orepplyr iucditflf. . . ?.
: to esnawr uyor nuiqsesot.
Ddi uoy etg uyg o,n utabesln orf was ithw escabeu otn wig eh yuo ttah larely bakc.
Rfedsin hwit won kabc setb get tno ,on are tbu ouy you ryuo idd ex. .
Ecpact but od uoy and ltlsi sad i uboat rouy dpstiu utb t,iem oevl nac hte i)pna at eams ( byniodfre jsut teh ti nitgnho ,yse i elef frtsi.
)wkro do emti reef elvo ni oyu yes, kiel wlli of a (ubt aegc hte aer idrb hsi a.
Onesrapl rptcsjeo nac rmfo ryuo y,se uyo liev. Hcir but icrh ynm,eo of uoy rae eecrsinexep ton fo. Irntyg inepnnddtee ,omanw estb to od s,sbo uory slilt oury wno. Ti dna rfom etg treavl srtta tath ouy tlo to uoy ebnetfi for a. .
Fasuom i sya ! dna so ym fo rnueojy rhci iytc m'i nac of esabeuc ym im' ni my rwko.
Acn it to and ! a dn,am you yas vsea to you ,wno oyu het esnrivue, ilev os tath elif lor"m"na !!! era veha yahpp i'm shtank ayehtlh a nad ettrmntae uoy.
Dan tujs qilruieibum etpcca aneorym, an inpngeaph i kignwa aaenicmholl od hdar nto ivel i feel dnfi awht ifle ym to si m,e ot. I ne,arethokrb ma ok to rhgti efle sa nwo i i ma vlei ko awy the. .
To ,me nfl,esegi pleoep erisht iehtr leryla iterh sigharn inriigpns ifle are ,resisto shh,gtotu htier taht rae ppeloe. Eth uatglefr lilt tdayo had i rfo ylreal all toivspei msall ractonnitei m'i.
Het neiestn tub kculy etehr be to flie a like eercee,nxip elef im' deriw i nmuah si eno.

This user has written an update to this letter.To see what they wrote, please


over 1 year ago



over 1 year ago

Keep trying ❤️


over 1 year ago

I keep failing. Why's life like this


over 1 year ago

It feels like I am the one who wrote this, up until I realized about the fake hair. Same pain different place. Hope you’re ok and things are moving good on your side 🫶❤️


about 1 year ago

Life’s hard… you you are more powerful 🪷


9 months ago

I've never felt so relatable to a letter like this one


4 months ago

This is very sweet and very sad.


12 days ago

Crazy times, everything seems stagnant, we will surely get better.

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