Time Travelled — 3 months

A letter from May 26, 2023

May 26, 2023 Aug 17, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, How was your summer. how many sleepovers did we have? Did we go on any late night walks or swims. I cant believe we are in 8th grade lets hope we make some new friends other than our old friends we are still friends with lets hope we get good grades in 8th grade what is the musical for 8th grade and i cant believe that we get to know first


about 1 year later

Hey past me so I'm...

Si dan mcsrahtsi ni i adn hmosnt hte tmosla ebne ldlcea eyra grdea high maard orel dha ctdpunoior ti's ofr ddi vaeh 8th did cohosl feiudfeiss 3 2 tsih a i we maen i nwo nad scuailm oracl yrea ndaitg aeld siglr a sa a eomsnoe.

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