Time Travelled — about 1 year

A letter from June 11th, 2023

Jun 11, 2023 Aug 21, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe,Please never give up don't take your life just because it's not going well at the moment. It's not going well at the moment but dj have someone by your side who always helps you. I really want to have children, do you still want that? I would like to open my own day care center or become a customer gardener. I want to have the most beautiful wedding I have so many plans for the future so I won't miss it. We only live once enjoy it. Are you actually happy right now? Please stop fighting now! Because you are amazing and beautiful!


6 months later

Dear past
Its been a while.I'm still here. I have to tell you we've got...

61 rceobto up beofer tiwh ni rghuoht ebrka carm ertndu yads a 3 we. Tsi ubt it nwo vroe aer oayk we. Dba eve'w tgo a ewn tusj oyfrdbnei rsdyetyea. A si uor defnir mofr , lveroi niynkca fdnrei he. A ewkse ew wnok wntsp eoetcharh ecisn nda otl fi emti ethrgote 4. Ithw olev het ni lorl hisntg tttedsa ot flla haehocter ew and so. So phyap ear ytetpr we. Pkay a ebcecau not whti wonk to is iwht lade esoonem nad kpsae tihs we onw we vhae od it tub 010% hwo to. Be hgpeslyoco csoali od a ew won nwta. Nad het ydust aterf hetiiarpecsppn. No ym lridcneh stli rarmy ot otn and of ouy htkna od pu rea ro opt to yse iggvin rfo tlsil ihws. I you ovle.

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about 4 hours ago


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