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Hi myself, after receiving a mail from myself a while ago it inspired me to write a letter to myself now. It's two AM so my already bad english can be even worse now so bear with it.
The first thing I wanna ask is if you've fixed your sleep pattern, I really want this because I can't remember the last day I wasn't tired. Because this email will find you in about in about four months I don't believe it will be the case, but one can hope, right?
Second, have you been approved into the university you've been studying for the exam for five hours a day everyday since April? If not I guess the world isn't for you, but you can try again I guess tho you gotta promise you will get a really good score in the essay section of exam because that's the part I've most neglected until now (I gonna start practicing it tomorrow). and talking about scores, here's what I think they'll be:
Human Sciences and it's Technologies: 680-710
the worst of them all because I don't really care about it rn
Natural Sciences and it's Technologies: >790
I really wanna believe I managed to master chemistry and got full marks on physics because I cant remember how many times I fried my brain trying to understand it.
Languages, Codes and their Technologies: >700
If I don't score bellow 700 it's a win because my reading interpretation sucks beyond human comprehension
Mathematics and its Technologies: >860
I didn't find any major difficulties with math until now (somehow), so I believe It will be my better performing section. actually, I need to be able to calculate a bit faster, so I have to practice that.
Essay: >800
Please tell me you understood what the question was asking and didn't get 0 (zero) again as you did last time
Now let's talk about highschool. What did you feel when you wore the school uniform for the last time, I'm expecting nothing because that just who I am for some reason.
Was you able to complete the Drugstore application school project thesis?
I'm planning to complete the diagram for the project tomorrow. I know this is a group project that have 5 people in it and each one is meant to have a role but for some reason I'm really confident I'll be able to do the database, design, programming and effectively everything by myself . I hope I'm not doing a huge mistake.
Some questions I would like to get an answer:
Was you able to get the application to be the way you wanted? I'm guessing you had to cut some parts.
Did you also do the documentation even tho a friend already has that role? (he s*uck at it rn btw)
How was the presentation of the project on the auditorium? I'm expecting I'll be the only one who'll be able to do it well and I will get 0 points for it because it's a group project all the others members (especially Antony and Erick) will give the worst presentation(my fault) of the entire class. But I think me and everyone will be fine because I'm only really after the experience and there will be supplementary lessons.
Was I able to finally get first place in the class scores? I really tried to do it last year but I understandably wasn't able to defeat the 4-year consecutive winner of the class. But this year I'm trying extra hard but I don't expect much.
I guess that's all, I'm now going to sleep because it's 3 am, and yes it took me an entire hour to write this short text
6 days laterNote to future: The past email I'm replying to is actually from September/July
Hi past me.
So somehow you were completely f*ucked by the most unexpected reasons you wouldn't even...
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