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Dear FutureMe,
Wow, kha. You're thirty. (Don't feel so bad. C diiiiid just turn 40.) I want you to remember that no matter what happens in the next ten years, you're the same person you were when you sat and wrote this letter at Celynne's coffee table while Kyleigh watched Tangled. Yes...Healey is licking his balls on the floor to your right. Not surprised. Is he still alive? I sure hope so, he's my favorite dog. Also; you're receiving this letter on October 10th. 10/10, Devon Turenne? How long from when I wrote this did Chayce and Jessie get married? ...did you look awesome in your suit?
I guess the purpose of this letter is just for you to take a minute and think back to being 20...the things you did, the things you didn't do, and how you felt about things. You're still the same kha. I bet you have a bottle of black label Beam in your liquor cabinet, wherever that is.
So call up Chacez and James, call up Fraz. Tell everyone you love them and that it's been a hell of a decade with them.
-2012 kha
6 months ago
3 months ago
2 months ago