Time Travelled — over 5 years

A letter from February 6th, 2017

Feb 06, 2017 Sep 01, 2022


Peaceful right?

well, well, welllllll... look who it is. past you writing to future you and she's too damn lazy to use proper grammar or spelling. So, I'm not going to use our name because I'm making this oublic... the search databse on this site is really interesting and I want to throw my 2 cents in. so you have recently moved to sanfrancisco after breaking up with you know who... and we know why you moved here and maybe he knows but I don't think he really knows... I'm gonna call him sam because I think he needs a name for this tale. you moved here to get away from him and make it stick. yes, sam is a lovely lovely boy who still has your heart all wrapped around his finger but there's an endless list of reasons why you guys weren't right for eachother... literally endless.. but then you remember his beautiful green eyes and big warm strong hands and the way he oozes with love and affection for you and things start to go wonky.... which is why we moved here! I'm proud of me and you should be too, let's be real here. you, me, mom, dad, sam, everyone, no one thought you were gonna pull it off and apply to school and fucking up and move accross the country. it's not that impressive thinking about bri's courage and adventure... but as I can be the meek black sheep, it's kind of a big deal. oh man, being single was kind of a blast at first... I was so committed to the game. there was that night the first month I moved here when I went out alone and ended up dancing with this girl all night and snorting coke in the bathroom with her and her friends. we made out so hard and I felt like I was going to explode with joy. being gay hasn't proved that easy though, then there was amelie from bumble and germany... you flaked on her though and she went back home, but we shared a few loud nights with the ukelele and supposedly made her come 5 times :D I guess I'm not talking about career stuff cus I'm confident in your skills... things are adding up so good with design and even if you don't have the ideating art direction skills, you definitely have the design skills! you just need to make some goddamned money though. .......... bah, our bank account is at $3500 and rent is $1077 a month D: this is not ok luckily when you receive this letter the stress will be gone... unless we're still broke in 5 years. oh btw it's 4am, do you still stay up all night for no reason? OH DEAR LORD I JUST REALIZED YOU WILL BE 27 YERAS OLD WHEN YOU GET THIS. PLEASE DON"T HAVE ANY CHILDREN AND PLEASE DON"T THINK IM A JUVENILLE CHILD BECAUSE I AM NOT. also I hope you didn't give up on girls... the girls dating scene is really hard and also no one in your family knows you like girls and I don't want to tell them, ok? idk why but it is so so so scary. 2 nights ago I bought a beer for a cute girl and tried to give it to her but she said no, blah I just like let my face fall on the bar in embarrassing defeat. ok also I hope your friends are still doing amazing things and your elbow and wrist issues haven't gotten worse!!!! cheers! past you


about 23 hours later

Hi past me,

You sure made a lot of typos.

To be honest... this was maybe the worst birthday ever. But, that's not because your life sucks now... it was...

Too iny,gcr tsju yad bad hwhhhha ihtw humc a.
And rtohs wans,yya egpekin swtee ihst.
Erokb fo fmor 5 sarye lltis dnki own?. Yahe. Efe,bor as is prachee dan so vsgaisn erkob etnr aevh my i ton cmuh. Ciyt itsn' ahpec hsit tb,u ng,ad.
Adn p,ils tiwh liptrhnoisea up a o?f gviign ondbel 'im ni asprykl knpi ar,hi rsil?g bleu no yees b?eyma kidn a tuec onlg mna htiw. Eh wr'ee ot asnwt ho, evlo ni em ysa adn. Ddi ti "s"ma gte euutbfali veer wtih veol rfsit and htguho hree, hatt him ihsgtn evne i hgitn was ognvim adn het eovr was i dnigne sebt idd. Prhsitioaenl for ti as up etissoemm nad me hmuc si isht mih s"ma" sftri sa ddi am i sbrd'yfoeni i orf yorwr my icfknug.
On mctreopu then hda rcerea utb hhbhehl tim,e a eht rat yuo teh miin biegn dteah lla ndoii-retc. N'dto nwoikrg a usjt to ig?budnil hehbhl v'yeuo iwelh lturana ,oicdv dulobe e,yt a ivdoc nkwo ew bnee for rcreea ybeam onw artts dod in to bsjo scien 'royeu ingtry. Ppyilm oyu smska aekm.
Do'nt i aveh icnlrhed owrry dlncreih adn ear ntd'o 222/3 yrea any i nowk losd otn. . . Lihcd ohw rnnie wsa ntcedoenc i btu gea miss eent atht do at ym dan i moer oliselrueb eitemsmos iwht. .
Igznaam noe s!night my llhye-gnnedsdia owdrl si fo lisinga era hmet rsifedn orcass het gidon. Samcnuiis itastsr os ere'hty defwnourl & dan trhey'e. Sooooo reursf aosl, o!wn araliiocnfn uo'eyr a.
Webol hvea wistrs teh engtto prlmoeb ,owers aekln adn bmelsopr wthi uyaetfnrntlou hte esma. . . E,yh ton osewr tub cmhu atht.
,oyu paphy iaydbhtr! i olve.

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over 1 year ago

Did you end up having kids?? If not then good☺️

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