Time Travelled — almost 5 years

A letter from October 22nd, 2017

Oct 22, 2017 Sep 06, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear Paradox, Hi there! I'm writing this letter for you coz' I'm really hoping that when the time comes that you'll be able to read this, probably years after now, I do hope that you're a better or even the best version of yourself now. You've been through a lot, yet you chose not to bother anyone with your condition. That's a great achievement by now. Keep that in mind. I do hope that you already found the inner peace you are craving for right at this moment. I do hope that you've already met your other half which is the sea. I know it'll help you more than anybody, simply because it heals your soul. I do hope that you already know your purpose of existence. Do not give up on life bud, you're one hell of an Awesome woman. You're strong, not needing any man to comfort you in times you almost broke down. I am hoping that as you're reading this letter, you'll remember everything you've been through and just laugh at it coz' you made it! Keep the soul inside you, never let anybody dictate what you're supposed to be. You are yourself and no one will ever take that soul away from you except the One who created you, God. Never let lose of the grip you have in Him. Keep the faith coz' God Himself has a better plan rather the BEST plan for you. You just need to go with Him. Laugh with Him, Cry with Him, Worry with Him, Love with Him, be with Him all through your ups and downs in life. That's all you need. And I hope that by the time you're reading this, you already have the tightest grip of Faith than the girl writing this letter. Love your family, love yourself, choose to love than to hate anyone and anything in life. I'm really hoping to meet the Best version of myself. See you soonest! God loves you 💕 From the bottom of my heart ~Paradox ♥️

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