A letter from the past |

Dear Future Me......

It's been a hard few years with so many changes going on in my life. I currently signed some contracts today which change the future of my family. The way I invest and have thought about my future has changed so rapidly. In thinking of the future, I hope I have made the right decision - that I have at least secured a stronghold for my family.

I face many challenges yet to come with my work but take the problems with a grain of salt, look forward to the support network you have and don't worry about the small things too much! Don't reveal too much, keep those ace's close to your heart and when the time comes - reveal them slowly.

I am currently thinking of taking on the challenge to study again at university and look into cultural/heritage/museum studies. I hope this has gone well for you and that it has changed your outlook on life! Remember good things come to those who wait.

Remember, those times spent with family only come around once.. make time for friends and love those who love you..

Enjoy and hope that this finds you with a smile on your face.

Mr A.

Sent 1 year to the future from Jul 5th, 2022 to Jul 5th, 2023