A letter from the past |

Dear Future Me......

I’m peeling our onion and it’s not the most comfortable thing to do. Last months weren’t easy neither. I’m still struggling with being myself or even not knowing who I am and how I am. I realize many bad patterns of myself and why I behave or perceive the ways that I do but can’t seem to change. I’m on my way anyway. I had the worst breakdown the other day that couldn’t stop crying and pinching myself until I signed up for Better help and decided that I didn’t want to spent money on it. I’m okay now and more motivated to complete my to-do lists.
I have plans for you. I always imagine you as a better version of me and sometimes, I keep trying because of you.
I hope you’re willing to share with your favorite humans who care and love you dearly. I hope you keep your humans close. I hope after everything, you become stronger, more resilient and patient. I hope you found something that wakes you up in the morning. And oh gosh I wish our future projects bring joy and inspiration to people.

Sent 1 year to the future from Jan 29th, 2023 to Jan 29th, 2024