A letter from the past |

Dear Future Me..

Hi. Hopefully you don't have braces right now, that'd suck. I'm going to the dentist soon to see if I need them so if I do end up getting them; let's hope they're off by the time you receive this letter.

How's school? Did you get into the one we wanted to? If so, major congratulations. I'm jealous.
Did we grow our hair back to the length we wanted yet? It's currently not even to my shoulders yet. I'm excited for when it reaches full length though.

Do we still dress the same? Right now I'm just wearing a basic hoodie and shorts but hopefully I have better fashion coordination in the future. I hope you have more friends than I do now. It feels kind of lonely sometimes so it'd be great if we had a few more friends.

Do we still have a good music taste? I'm currently into TV girl, current joys, Alex G, jut stuff like that. I swear, if we started listening to Taylor Swift I'm gonna die.

Do we have a better relationship with our mum? I really hope so. It's so hard to communicate with her.
How's our mental health? Mine isn't doing too well at the moment. Hopefully we're happy in the future and not completely overloaded with homework. And I hope our insomnia is cured.

Did we finish learning French? I'm currently practicing; pronunciation is so hard. I know my basic phrases though.

And finally; did we finish writing the book? Or have we started another novel like we always do? I desperately need this one to be finished, so please continue it if you've stopped. Oh and by the way, was our play successful? Did we get all the costumes sorted and stuff? No one messed up their lines? That'd just be awkward. I've been anxiously waiting for it even though I only found out last month..

Anyway, I hope we're doing good, living the happiest ever life. If not; it'll get better soon :)
P.S, make sure to write one of these to 2025 you <3

Sincerely, the 2023 you.

Sent 1 year to the future from Mar 21st, 2023 to Mar 21st, 2024