Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — 7 months

Unas palabrejas de tu versión de 15 tacos para seguir adelante con el bachiller este.

Hey, ¿Cómo estamos? Yo aún no he empezado con bachiller, pero estoy bastante acojonada y por eso quería asegurarme de estar ahí para ti en estos momentos (probablemente) difíciles y estresantes del año. Voy a intentar no exigirte mucho porque se que te deprimes fácil cuando no cumples tus expectativas. Pero créeme, hagas lo que hagas no conseguirás decepcionarme sabiendo que ya has llegado de u...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 26th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, Heyy it's your past self. Today is the 2nd to last day of 9th grade, finals coming later today. You might not remember but I have short pink hair right now :) currently wearing my danganronpa shirt with my green jacket and black jeans- with Emily and I's friendship bracelets. You know, I'm proud of you for surviving the year you did, I'm sure 10th grade wasn't exactly easy. This...

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from May 8th, 2023

Dear FutureMe, Hahahahhahaha I ******* FAILED HAHA Yes!!! I FAILED I FAILED I FAILED!!! After 3yrs of honest hard work no internet no freinds no distractions but hardwork. Still, I failed. Look like it requires a new me or to be more precise A ******* BETTER ME. wbu? Still falling? Or maybe not? Well well well, i just failed now but guess who's come back gonna be the best? Yes! MINE. Wait...

Time Travelled — almost 6 years

A letter from September 12th, 2016

Dear FutureMe, hey girl how is it going? are you happy with your life? if no then **** it and get the **** out of where you are cz you have sacrificed enough for the people you love now you deserve happiness and if you havent gotten it till now then plz get it . enough is enough sweety . and if you are happy then omg woww great awesome congratz . i just hope that this happiness remains wit...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 18th, 2020

Dear person who is reading this, First of all, thank you for clicking on this letter. What you are about to read is a teen's fear of loneliness. It might not be as deep as some of the letters out there. I've always considered myself as weird. I liked being weird, and I still do. Being weird is like being unique, and I want to break out of that stereotype teen in my country. Primary sc...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Oct 23, 2022

Dear FutureMe, In this good forsaken r.v STILL. **** him. I mean it amber. **** him. Ten years of hurt and pain and... well you know the drill. You are 41 almost 42 and your only asset left is well... amber let's face it. You hurt so many. You lied your way through it and now you cry. Well cry *****. You deserve it. You deserve to ******* hurt like you have hurt. Aren't you sick of al...

Time Travelled — about 1 month

A letter from July 15th, 2023

Dear FutureMe, The summer’s over, year 9’s here. Have faith, keep smiling, set boundaries, give it your all. It’s okay if you’re not fit, it’s okay if you’re not into all the skincare-candles-netflix self care ********, I just hope you’re happy. You might not want to try but I want you to try. Please try. Plant a tree today even if the world will end tomorrow.

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