Time Travelled — about 3 years

A letter from May 14th, 2020

May 14, 2020 May 15, 2023

Peaceful right?

Dear future me, I saw this idea on TikTok and thought this would be a wonderful thing to do. I set this up to receive three years into the future. I did this just for the sole reason that I will *hopefully* be officially graduated from law school! I am sure it was one crazy ride to get to where I am, but it will definitely be worth it. I have always dreamed of this moment, always dreamed of becoming a lawyer, always dreamed of being so successful it just does not feel real. I hope we are still with Max, he is one amazing soul. I love everything about him, but I especially love his mind. He is so dang smart its actually crazy and just so so so kind and compassionate and has the same goal and mindset. He definitely keeps me grounded and pulls me back down to earth, especially when my Pisces/Aquarius mind goes dreaming again. But it is good to have dreams, it is good to imagine. I hope everyone in the family is doing well. Three years seems so far away but also so close. So much can happen in three years, good and bad, ugly and beautiful. I know Paps may not be around, that would be asking a lot, but if he is, man I am so gratefully to have spent so much time with him that I did. Same goes with Nans. Paps was really her great love, and we just cannot see her without him. (btw I'm crying writing this so you will probably be bawling reading this). Bunzy should be graduated from college and probably opened up Spuds like he has talked about so much. Mom better be retired and same with Pants. They do everything for me, and probably went above and beyond while I was in law school. Mom is my best friend and there is no doubt in my mind she will be my best friend forever. Although I really love children, I really hope to not have any or have any on the way in three years, give it three more years and then start having children. Maybe be a fur mom to many little kitties running around? And of course be married first, *hopefully* it will be to my beloved Max. Some days will definitely be harder than others, but push through. Really think and work hard and push. Nothing will come easy, everything is priced and I will have to earn it. I really hope I never lost my empathy, open-mindedness, kindness and big heart during these three years. Please do not lose sight on the bigger picture; success. Success not only in school, life and work, but in friends, family and love. Work hard, do not get played and love yourself. Many, many people are counting on you, you are counting on you. Trust me, this life is everything and more.


over 1 year ago

I hope you are as successful as you dreamed of becoming one and living the life which you wanted to live. Best wishes from my side and never give up 😊🙂


over 1 year ago

i hope everything went as you wished, if not more than you expected!!❤️


over 1 year ago

This is so cute!! I hope everything went well and was successful. I hope you still have your true love!!


over 1 year ago

Ya te llego?


over 1 year ago

I hope you got everything you wished!


over 1 year ago

OMGGGG it was delivered just 3 days ago!! ❤️❤️


over 1 year ago

This letter has finally reached its destination on time. Three years seem so far but also so close. Did you forget you wrote a letter to the future? Anyways, I hope everything happens as you wished!

Letter Author:

over 1 year ago

Just wanted to leave a little update comment, but I did in fact graduate law school and am currently on a cruise celebrating it! I am no longer with the boy in the letter, but most definitely is for the better. I forgot I even wrote the letter so when I received the email that this was ready, i was in for a pleasant surprise.

taz bint mohaa:

over 1 year ago

I'm so happy to get the update from the Author, Congratulations for achieving your goal of graduating from a law school, your yongerself is so proud of you 👏👏


over 1 year ago

Omg I love this. I hope you're successful wherever you are 👏three years down the line, not so far but not close but you've managed to reach this far

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