Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Aug 13th, 2021

Aug 14, 2021 Aug 13, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear Ryan of Tomorrow's Tomorrow, Hey, it's you from the past! It's been a minute since we've written a letter. It's a little strange that we're breaking that streak with a letter to ourselves, but here goes nothing: Congrats on getting through senior year! You knew it would be a breeze because you set it up like that, but still, congrats on finishing your undergrad. I know it went by too quickly, but I hope you were able to enjoy it to the fullest. How's the gym going? I hope we're finally lifting two plates on the bench for working weight. Maybe we even started meal planning again?? I want to know what amazing games you've streamed over the past year. That's a lot of time for a lot of games! I'm starting "Virgo Versus The Zodiac" in two weeks. I hope we were able to do amazing things for that game. Or maybe we dropped it because we didn't like it! That's fine, too. I don't know what's going on in your life right now, but I'm sure you're terrified, and that's fine. You're so strong, and you've lept over so many impossible hurdles already. You've gotten through everything that's been in your way, and I know you're going to get through whatever is stopping you now. Maybe you haven't found your first job yet, or maybe you've just started it. Maybe streaming took off, and you're feeling overwhelmed by the social pressure, or maybe you've stagnated and think you should give it up. I know you know this, but here's your reminder to never give up on that dream. So many people love what you do. By now, you're probably making even more people happy through the digital presence you have in their lives. I know you won't forget, but always remember the love that you've shared with them. You might not be a world-renowned streamer, but we've always known that it doesn't matter how many people are watching; what matters is that you were able to touch at least one person with the love you bring. If you're doubting yourself, please remember the love you have to share. Your vision is clear, and nothing will muddy it. Continue to push through for yourself and the people you inspire. It's what we all deserve. Sincerely, Ryan of Yesterday's Yesterday P.S. Consider texting Sara to thank her for getting you to write this letter. It's probably been a few months since you last talked to her, so there's no better time than the present to check in.

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