Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Aug 31st, 2021

Aug 31, 2021 Aug 31, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Hello brother! (Happy Birthday) So, it's my 24th Birthday! That means, right now it's 25th. Woah.! Time flies. Doesn't it? First of all, I wish you all the love, peace and happiness this world can offer you. You are amazing in every way, even with your flaws, you look perfect to me. It may sound like I'm self obsessed but nah, you deserve the praise. 🙌🏻 Well. Now, lemme say something.. A lot happened in this one year journey from my 23rd birthday to 24th. Got 9k followers and then lost it all. Had stressful times figuring out, what to do with life and then somehow started a job but couldn't do it. So yeah, a lot of disappointment been there... BUT at the same time there were many good stuffs too. Received gifts from different countries, took a dozen of courses, experienced a couple of new stuff, gained more weight (I don't know if it's an upgrade) and most importantly, learned a lot of new things from life. They are :- (1) Grass always looks greener on the other side, it's a fact. I kinda lived few stuff which I dreamt of and something which sounds pretty exciting to other people but it wasn't as exciting as I thought it to be. A lot of stuff looks more better on your head. Just try to find happiness because it's the rare thing. (2) Life is pretty unpredictable. It's a bad thing and at the same time, a wonderful thing too. There will be disappointments but also there will be pleasant surprises. (3) If it's meant to be then it will find its way. You won't even have to force it and if it isn't meant to be then also don't force it. (4) Be grateful for few wishes which didn't get fulfilled. You don't always know what's best for you. Sometimes what you think you want is not exactly the thing you want. (5) In the end, peace of mind and happiness is everything. Doesn't matter where you are, what are you doing, whom you are with. If you are happy and you have peace, know that you have everything you need. (6) Keep living. Life sure gets overwhelming but in middle there are few beautiful moments and they are worth living for.. And this time, I am not putting any expectations for coming year. No pressure. Nothing. I know that eventually you will find your way. It may take a year or two or a little more or may be a little less but in the end, you will be where you belong and you will figure things out. Take one day at a time. I will see you next year.! We haven't done anything phenomenal in this life of 24 years bht know that I'm still proud of you and I wouldn't change you with someone else. Even with the flaws and imperfections, you have a beautiful soul and I feel so blessed that I am me. With love, light and birthday wishes. Your younger self! May you have a lovely birthday, Big guy.!

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