Time Travelled — 9 months

A letter from Feb 12th, 2022

Feb 12, 2022 Nov 09, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear Future Keirsten, Happy birthday! I wrote this letter today, February 12, 2022 to check up on how you're doing for the past 9 months. Ever since 2022 started until, you're sad and been crying yourself to sleep. I know, i'm sorry because I wasn't able to take great care of you. Please be healthy and start taking care of yourself now that you're already 15. You will meet a lot of people this year, and please cut off those who bring nothing but negativity in your life. I'm sorry I can't help you now, but whatever problem you have right now, you can go beyond it. Make yourself happy, eat healthy, and let's work on that glow up girl. You've been working hard to lose weight because they keep criticizing you about it, and i'm sorry you have to deal with that. I hope you achieved some of your wishes and dreams for your self this year. I love you, and I am so proud of you. Love, Your Past Keirsten xoxo


3 months ago

Hey Kiddo
Hope you're doing well in your Life , You're Just 17 Nobody is Expecting More Anything from you Just stay Positive don't listen to others criticism and be you make sure you're Smiling After Reading this comment. it's been 2 years now i know but still i hope that you've achieved a lot of things in your life.... Ps:- Be yourself

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