Time Travelled — almost 10 years

A letter from July 27th, 2012

Jul 27, 2012 Jul 27, 2022

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, So you've graduated college right? Like a few years ago I hope? Have you gained a few certifications and lost a few pounds? Good. If you're still over 200lbs. join a gym today. Yeah I know they're expensive and you don't want to, but do it and go every day. Print out a calendar every month and mark off each day that you work out at least 30 minutes. You need to stay in decent shape if you're going to have any fun or even be alive in retirement some day. Have you talked to mom, dad, Craig or Grandma Pat lately? Call them today... and if any of them are no longer with us say a prayer and say to them what you would want to say if they were with you right now. Have you gone on vacation yet this year? If not, you need to plan one right now and go. Make sure it's at least out of state and someplace everyone will have fun, if you haven't taken the kids to Disney World yet, do that. Now, call your wife and tell her you love her. Tell her about this letter and have a laugh about it and do something nice for her today. Have you started your own business yet? If not, it's time to give it a try and really put everything out there and make it successful. If you are feeling depressed, if some kind of tragedy has happened, if you've somehow gotten yourself divorced... consider this a wake up call. If there is still ANY chance to get her back, then GET HER BACK! Don't forget the tragedy or what went wrong, but become stronger because of it. Let it be a reminder that terrible things happen, but you have survived and can still make the most of what you have. Tell your kids how amazing they are, and don't be cheesy about it, just be real and honest and let them know what they mean to you. I hope to God that the technology that you are basking in is amazing, but don't let it run your life. The video games of 2022 must be incredible and hopefully the kids are into them too... and if they are, go dig out a classic today and share it with them, some old school Mario or Zelda or maybe Metroid. Heck, really throw them for a loop and play something with passwords, like Mega Man or something. Okay I don't know what else to say in this thing, and I don't want to be selfish or narcissistic, but I hope you are really living life and not having any regrets. I hope no one talked you into getting some dumb tattoo or getting drunk and doing something stupid. Respect yourself but don't be arrogant... share God's love and visit and call friends as often as possible. This is total scatter-shot, but we're covering a lot of ground here so just be a better person every day and take nothing for granted. Don't be afraid to be spontaneous and if you have a chance to be involved in something historic, then do it. Make your mark, but stay humble. I hope this finds you well, Your past self, 2012 P.S. If you haven't gone to Europe yet, consider this an invitation and do it soon or you probably never will.


about 1 year ago

you sound AMAZING

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