A letter from the past |

Dear FutureMe,

I hope you are feeling lighter than when you started this journey.

I trust that this pilgrimage has brought you into the light, something that you have avoided with regret but by choice for the last 14 years.

I urge you to keep in touch with your new found friends and tend the neglected friendships of old.

By opening up your life to new connections you will open up your heart to actual feelings.

I pray that your dependency on screens to keep from boredom for more than half the day/your life is behind you.
And with that, I sincerely hope the insanity, the demon(s) has been exorcised and you have found deliverance from your higher power.

Life is too short to live like you did, idle and recluse from you childhood friends and family.

The demon(s) which you have long been oblivious to cannot continue to pull your strings from the the darkest parts of you mind. Else their power be all consuming and will truly scorch all that you've worked hard to achieve and will plunge you into eternal darkness.

With this journey, I hope you have discovered you're trust and your love for god.

I hope this new light in you has lifted all obscurities in your life and that your new priorities will make life memorable and worth living.

Your journey hasn't ended, the light has just been switched in for the rest of your way.

Buen Camino

Sent 1 month to the future from Apr 28th, 2024 to Jun 6th, 2024