A letter from the past |

Dear Future Lisa,

I hope you always look back on the Camino as a pivotal event in your life. Something to reminisce about with a smile on your face and a heart filled with gratitude. I hope it transformed you in ways that you were not even aware of before you started. I hope your memories of walking and riding your bike are filled with constant moments of gratitude and witness to the Grace of God.

I know you must have had challenging moments, difficult moments and perhaps even moments of doubt.
You persevered.
You made it through.
I hope this becomes the metaphor for your life.

I hope you always hear and listen to God's voice. It was his voice that told you to walk the Camino. It is also his voice that is your source of strength and perseverance. Always remember the sound and feel of that voice. It is constant. It is the source of love and everything that is Holy. You only need to be still and listen.
You don't have to understand everything. In fact, it is likely that you won't understand most things and that is ok. God cleared a path before you. He guided you. He blessed you and made you a pilgrim He has asked you to be his disciple. He has called you by name. What an honour!

It will work out.
It is God's plan.

Find Christ is all you see and all you do. He is in every stranger you meet. He is in every feeling you have. He is the wonder and the awe in everything that surrounds us.
He is the source and reason of true and pure joy.
He comforts you in times of pain and sadness. He is everywhere and in all places and in all things. He follows you. He protects you. He blesses you. He loves you.

God will never leave you.

Love yourself and see yourself the way that God sees you. Always give yourself the same mercy and compassion that he gives you. Treat every one with patience, kindness and dignity. Forgive others, forgive yourself....OFTEN.

Let the burning light of the Holy Spirit always burn so bright within you that others are drawn to your light. Let the pure and loving light inspire others to seek Christ and to know him....to experience his presence and develop a personal and intimate relationship with him .
God has trusted you to be his disciple and his messenger. He will always be that gentle nudge, that source of affirmation and that reassuring comfort and the true source of unconditional love.

People are watching you.

Be vulnerable.
Be grateful.
Be humble.

Don't get lost in the chaos of your life. Do not lose yourself in the stress and anxiety that can be all consuming. People depend on you but you depend on the Lord. With him....you can do anything. Remember that you are his. Ask for his help.

There will be more pain. There will be lonely days. Do not let that pain consume you. Persevere and know that there is an end game.

Be steadfast in your work but be kind to yourself and care for yourself as you care for others.

You are a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend. You are also a daughter of God. Live to be worthy of his love.

You are unique, one of a kind. Don't ever lose who you are. God made you...he doesn't make mistakes.

There are going to be days when you will shine. There are going to be days when you are going to be too much for some people. There will be days when you fall short. There will be days when you will fail. There will be days of deep grief. You will only feel that pain so deeply because you loved so deeply. Don't carry your burdens alone. God will always be there. He will send people to walk with you. See them. Recognize them. Be Grateful for them.

You are far from prefect but you are enough.

May God always be your priority.

Be a blessing in other people's lives. Be the example of what you want to see in this world.
Laugh often and dance often.
Be silly.
Don't take yourself too seriously
Keep trying new things.
Read as much as you can.
Learn something new.
Keep an open mind.
Make someone smile every day.

You have the courage to do hard things.

You are divinely guided, divinely protected, divinely blessed and...divinely LOVED.



Pray some more.

Pray so much and so often that eventually your life becomes one great big giant prayer. One giant living testament to the love and protection of God the Father, the sacrifice and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the hope and fervent glow of the Holy Spirt.

You did a good job Lady! I am pretty sure both of your Fathers are smiling down on you from above.

And remember:

This is not the end of your journey. This is the beginning of the rest of your life.

With Love,
Old Lisa

Sent 1 month to the future from Apr 25th, 2024 to Jun 1st, 2024