A letter from the past

Dear Future Me......

Hey there ! So glad you took some time to smell the roses and reflect on how well you have gone! I know that at times you are marred with self doubt and thinking traps that you forget how far you have come. You wrote this 17th of November 2021 . Aged 48 years old living in Bayside area Frankston and working as a Recovery Coach. 2021 has been a difficult year for all of us with the lock downs and like. On a personal level you did make some great changes in what is authentic to you in regards to work that you do and how you want to live the rest of your life. Like any great master piece it takes time to develop, change and sit in the languishing or still place to reflect.
You have done so much in your life already, had two awesome kids who A Son aged 30 with a third on the way and Daughter 25 years old who is just as awesome .
Yes you are single lady living with a cat called Missy ! At times it can be lonely then you rather that then being in a shitty relationship right!
No matter what others have said to you or think about what you have or haven't done- just know that you are living under your values of Authenticity, Intuition, Compassion, Knowledge and Empathy. Yes these may change as they may have when you have read this. That's ok. One thing we know about what is constant is Change. As your hero/heroine Tori Amos says Be Like Water ( She actually read this from Bruce Lee Martial Artist!) . Vulnerability and Empathy are your strongest gifts . Don't for get who you are xx 17th of November 2021 Age 48

Sent 1 year to the future from Nov 17th, 2021 to Nov 17th, 2022